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Regarding Classes

Registering for Courses

A student must register for courses under the instruction of the dean within a prescribed period, but must set the informations themselves by using the internet. The course registration period is according to the academic calendar.

Maximum Credits for Course Registration
Maximum Credits for Course RegistrationTable for Maximum Credits for Course Registration
(Credits for Graduation)
Number of Credits
per Semester
120 – 135 credits 18 credits 19 credits Career Exploration and Dream-Design (1-1-0) and Job Selection and Dream-Design (1-1-0) are not applied to the registered number of credits, but will be included in the credits for graduation. You can only register for courses in your major.
136 – 144 credits 19 credits 20 credits
145 – 149 credits 20 credits 21 credits
150 – 159 credits 21 credits 22 credits
160 credits or more 22 credits For College of Pharmacy, 25 credits, and for Department of Architecture (5-year course), 21 credits 23 credits For College of Pharmacy, 25 credits, and for Department of Architecture (5-year course), 21 credits
Major Changes for the Dream-Design Consultation
Major Changes for the Dream-Design ConsultationTable for Major Changes for the Dream-Design Consultation
Type Current
(up to students entering the university in 2017)
(from students entering the university in 2018)
Course Operating Method A 0.5 credit major elective course centered on consultation A 1 credit major elective course centered on major subjects
Course Name (must be taken) Dream-Design Consultation (entire) Career Exploration and Dream-Design (First semester of freshmen year) Job Selection and Dream-Design (Second semester of junior year)
Course Number ○○○○993 ○○○○991 ○○○○992
Professor Undecided (Any one professor from the department concerned) Professor in charge of employment
Course Time 9 th class of every Wednesday (17:00 – 17:50) 9 th class of every Wednesday (17:00 – 17:50)
Graduation Requirements Take at least 2 credits for 4 semesters Take at least 2 credits for 2 semesters
Retaking the Course May be twice taken cannot be twice taken (handled as retaking the course)
Course Registration Path
  • Upper left corner of
    KNU website

  • Enrolled Students

  • Course Registration for

  • Upper left corner of
    KNU website

  • Enrolled Students

  • Course Registration for

specialized Graduate Schools

Administrative Offices of each Graduate School

  • Your ID is your student number (application number for new students), and your password is the 6 digits of your date of birth. (yy/mm/dd/)
    (For students who have changed their password, their newly changed password should be used.)
  • If you have lost your course grade service password (7 digits), bring your ID and visit the Office of Courses and Credits of Academic Affairs (Graduate School Support Office for Graduate School students) to check your password.


Academic scores will be given based on test scores, assignment evaluations, attendance, and learning attitude.

Evaluation Method
  • A. General Education Courses: Mandatorily perform norm-referenced evaluation (from the Spring Semester of '99.)
  • B. Major Courses: Mandatorily perform norm-referenced evaluation (from the Fall Semester of '10.)
Calculating Grade Average

Grade Point Average is calculated based on the following weighted average method. However, grades that are granted as “Pass/Fail“ are excluded from the grade average calculation.

Major Changes for the Dream-Design ConsultationTable for Major Changes for the Dream-Design Consultation
Letter Grades Actual Scores GPA
A + 95 - 100 4.5
A 0 90 - 94 4.0
B + 85 - 89 3.5
B 0 80 - 84 3.0
C + 75 - 79 2.5
C 0 70 - 74 2.0
D + 65 - 69 1.5
D 0 60 - 64 1.0
F 60 미만 Below 60 0
Retaking Courses

Article 71 of KNU Regulation (Grade Evaluation) ④ If the letter grade of the course is B+ or below, you may retake the course.

Due to the revision of the regulation, students entering from March 1, 2017 and later may retake the course if the letter grade is C+ or below, and the letter grade that can be obtained from retaking the course is A⁰ or below, and only the grade obtained from retaking the course is recognized.

Grade Check

Grade Check is divided into grade check before and after finalization. The grade check schedule will be notified through the KNU website and department offices.

Grade Correction

When calculating the grades, if certain parts were omitted or miscalculated, resulting in a wrong evaluation of the grades, you may consult the professor concerned to correct the grade.

Recognition of Grades

If the letter grade of each course is D0 or above, it is recognized as having obtained the credit.

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